Friday, March 14, 2014

Divergent Soundtrack

Okay so I had high hopes for two albums this month, the Hunger Games Catching Fire soundtrack and the Divergent soundtrack. As you read in a previous article, except for two or three decent songs on the Catching Fire soundtrack the album was a letdown. So I went in with low hopes for the Divergent soundtrack and was wonderfully surprised.
The Divergent album has an awesome collection of artists with an awesome selection of songs. They really captured the mood of the book with this album. So let's hope that the amazing soundtrack leads us to an amazing movie.
On the Divergent album I found one song particularly worth mentioning it is called Find You and it was probably my favorite track on the album. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Catching Fire Soundtrack

So I love music, I love the Hunger Games, and I loved the first album to the first Hunger Games movie. So when I listened to the Catching Fire sound track I was disappointed. I went through the entire album and could not finish one song. There are two songs that have potential but they were mixed in with such high pitched songs. I don't know about you but when I watch a movie about war on the government I want my music to get my blood pumping, I want to listen to it loud, and I want to enjoy it. The problem is that I can't stand this high pitched whiny music and so this album was the complete opposite of what I expected. It was a let down and so now I can  only hope that whoever is in charge of making the Divergent music list has better taste.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Okay so you've seen the RWBY theme bu you're still missing out on the other epic music from the show. So if you've got twenty minutes (and honestly if you've found this blog you do) then check it out.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Avengers Awesomeness

I don't know how many times I'd re wind this show just so I could listen to the theme song again, I just know it was a lot.

Revamped Firefly

Okay if you like Firefly (and what good geek doesn't) this is for you, plus I think this site lets you download the song.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Falling To Ganon

So here is the sequel to Ganon's Gone. I really like these parodies. One day I really will post a song I don't like just to change it up, but not right now.

This Stuff Is Total Garbage (In a brilliant way)

So I found this song (which as everything else I listen to, I love) while I was flipping channels at my grandparent's house. I love superheroes and so I watched this game trailer, then went on a week long rampage to find the name of the song in the trailer.

So here is the video I saw first:
And here is the whole song: